International organizations provide the government and private enterprises with such support policies as tax preference, loan guarantee, economic compensation and product procurement, etc. 国际组织和该国政府向私营企业提供税收优惠、贷款担保、经济补偿、产品购买等扶持政策;
But Mr Wang says private companies are still unable to market their military goods directly overseas, do not enjoy tax rebates and struggle to get even basic information from the military on procurement opportunities. 然而,王宝和表示,私营企业仍不能直接面向海外推销其军用产品,不享受退税政策,甚至很难从军方得到有关采购机会的基本信息。
Yet, FAR has been successful, and is inspiring more and more private enterprises to exercise due diligence in their procurement practices. 然而,联邦采购法案取得了成功,鼓舞着越来越多的私人企业在他们的采购过程中做出了应有的努力。
The standard definition of corruption is the misuse of public power for private benefit, which includes the bribing of public officials, kickbacks in public procurement, and the embezzlement of public funds. 腐败的标准定义是滥用公众权力为个人谋利,包括政府官员受贿、政府采购中接受回扣和挪用公款。
As witnessed by the industry, there is great potential for foreign and private investors to tap the government-controlled transport sector from equipment procurement to construction and operation. 众所周知,外资和民营资本有极大的空间参与到原本由政府主导的铁路运输行业,从设备供应到铁路建设甚至铁路运营。
Act of government procurement constituted with administrative auxiliary act for realizing the need of public affairs and administrative private act for realizing the public interests. However, the nature of government procurement showed private law can't be determined its, which is regulated by public law. 政府采购行为由以实现公务需要的行政辅助行为和以实现公共利益为目的的行政私法行为构成,政府采购表现出来的私法性质并不能决定它的本质,其要接受公法的调整。
The initiative aims on encouraging the private sector to undertake infrastructure projects and the provision of services on a project basis, rather than by the traditional means of procurement. 它鼓励私人部门营建基础设施项目或政府公共项目,并以此为基础提供公共服务的一种区别于传统政府公共项目的出产方式。
Private International Law Problem of Government Procurement Contract Related to WTO WTO框架下政府采购合同的国际私法问题